• GrowingKids.org: This site is directed toward parents specifically interested in the Ezzos’ core curriculum, Growing Kids God’s Way. The history, biblical foundations, chapter summaries, Ezzos’ teachings and beliefs, and much more will be found in this very practical forum.
• Growing Kids God’s Way Leader’s Page: This site is specifically designed for small group leaders and provides practical helps for starting and implementing a parenting ministry. Class leaders will find practical helps in nurturing and leading any one of the GFI classes, particularly Growing Kids God’s Way. Leaders will also find a number of helpful forms and class ideas that will keep their classes on track.
• Growing Families Core Curriculum: Serving as a secondary site for inquirers looking for more specifics about the GFI core curriculum. This location provides a general review of each course, as well as a FAQ section of related topics.
• Babywise and related “On Becoming” Books: This is a great site for inquirers looking for a summary of the Ezzo/Bucknam series. The site includes a general review of each title and additional information on Babywise.
• Ezzotruth.com: This is an independent Website providing documented resources that confront and dispel various internet interpretations about the Growing Families International curriculum and the Ezzos’ teaching and beliefs.
Christian book resources:
• Lamplighter
• Fishpond
• SKS Books